How will I get to find drug rehabs in Lufkin, Texas?

Question by charlene m: How will I get to find drug rehabs in Lufkin, Texas?
I want to know how I’m going to go about finding drug rehabs here. We’ve only just moved here a year ago, and I haven’t seen any rehabs still. I need to help my son regarding his school project. It’s about drug rehabs and addiction treatments, and we just want to get detailed information as well as a few pictures if they’ll let us. Suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by christiana ta
Finding drug rehabs is pretty easy. However, there may be some that might refuse to have pictures of their facilities taken. I heard that they’re very concerned about their privacy. The links below will get to help you. It’s really sweet of you to help your son out with this. Good luck! I hope he gets a high grade on his project.

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Into Action Recovery – Texas Drug Rehab – Call (281) 978-248 – Into Action Recovery – Texas Drug Rehab – Call (281) 978-248 for comprehensive drug rehab. Professional alcohol & drug rehab by a team of licensed addiction professionals . Our treatment programs: detox, residential, outpatient and court ordered treatment.


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