Activity ideas for teen drug free program…?
Question by ???: Activity ideas for teen drug free program…?
I am supposed to be giving a presentation to a group of teenagers about drug abuse. I need some ideas for activities that I can do with them…I don’t want to just stand there and talk at them…I want to be able to get them interacting with me…doing something fun, that they’ll remember. I’d also like to show them some videos if you know where I can find any good ones…you know, “real people, real stories” kind of videos.
All help is appreciated. Just so you know, I really didn’t know what category to put this question in…I was hoping that some other teens, and even parents could help me out. Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by ???ï :l
-Interview people that had been on drugs and now are drug free.
-Tell them about all that bad things that come with sex addiction,needing money no choice but to steal prostitute etc.
-and interview a person whose on drugs tell them how they fell when they have no drugs.
-list the dangers of it.lungs cancer brain damage etc.
-do posters like saying about that drug and what it causes.
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