Drug Addiction Help

Personal Injury Attorney Port Saint Lucie FL (772) 489-3600


Personal Injury Attorney Port Saint Lucie FL (772) 489-3600 – Call (772) 489-3600 Charles “Kip” Sinclair your personal injury home town lawyer or visit us at http://hometownlawyer.net/ – Personal Injury Attorney Port Sa…


How do you get over a pornography addiction?

Question by Paul: How do you get over a pornography addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by Rebek
Get in a habit of not looking at that junk. Find better things to fill your time and life with. You’ll soon get over it if you just find good things to do.

What do you think? Answer below!


what are treatments for a meth addiction?

Question by katiecat1990: what are treatments for a meth addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by aShLeY _aNn
your addicted to meth?

Add your own answer in the comments!


Child Abuse Hotline?

Question by ???: Child Abuse Hotline?
My friend is thinkin about calling the Child Abuse Hotline, all of her friends believe she is emotionally abused & neglected. She has already tried to kill herself, & now she’s changing drastically. Im worried she has started doing drugs. I believe her home life is causing all of these problems. & Everytime i bring it up she says how she doesnt want to leave this school or town… (If she calls the Child Abuse Hotline, & they take action, will she remain in the same area, what are the chances?)… She is also afriad that they will just “warn” her parents (like people she has told so many times, but they didnt take any serious action–which caused her parents kinda to hate her more)…. Will she get to pick her “foster” parents?? (She is a former foster child, her “family” that she lives with now adopted her… idk y, if they treat her this way.. but they treat their biological daughters nicely..) She’s almost 16, does she get to make any choices in where she ends up if she calls?

Teachers, friends, and others have offered to take her in…… will she get to choose??

If not, is there anyway to leave her home?? She turns 16 in June…. Can she get Emancipated from her home?? How can she get away, but stay close to the ones that she needs in this tough time in her life?
She lives in Nebraska.

She hasnt talked to a conselor, she hasn’t felt confortable…. but the principles, & conselors ALL know about her attempted suicide…. She was crying all day today b/c of her parents, & she went & talked for 50+ minutes with a teacher who she trusts, & even made the teacher cry with what she was saying

Also, another teacher, who has experience a some-what related experience has offered my friend her phone number, & address in any chance that they needed to talk.

It’s pretty much out in the open, she doesnt go into details about her parents with some people, but she’ll be the first to come right out and say “My parents dont love me.” Which from meeting her parents after ONE time, i can say for myself that i agree with that statement.
Im almost for sure she is being abused…. It’s been 2 years since i’ve known her… Ive talked to her mother–she talks with NO love for her daughter. She’s a sophmore && they dont allow her to go into the house (even on days like today, when its rainin, storming/lightening, windy && cold… or even when its cold & below 0)…. She HAS to wait until her parents get home from work… whether is in 30 min, or 2 hours…. I mean, they think she’ll break something

They wont allow her to get her permit or lisence, they told her she’ll never be able to lie

Never tell her they love her, or hug her… but the call her fat & ugly sometimes

Also, she’s 16 and still goes to a babysitter

walks/rides her bike miles & miles to the library, school, & practices, even though her parents drive in their car to MAKE SURE that’s where she went…..

*she has to ask to eat food, && shes an XC runner, && needs lots of calories, but they think she over-eats, but she doesnt.
She cant call her former social worker, b/c that was for one, b4 she was six && in North Dakota (she lives in Nebraska now), her “parents” were her foster parents that adopted her so they could move…

Best answer:

Answer by goldenrae9
It depends on what state you live in. Also, it does not matter how they treat one child as there are many cases of abuse wherein one child is treated worse than the others.

Has she talked to the school guidance couselor/social worker? They would be better trained and suited to deal with this.

Give your answer to this question below!


Learning to tame health cost spending

Learning to tame health cost spending

Filed under: drug abuse help in delaware

Our biggest problem is no transparency. The patient does not know what care will cost. … There is ONLY one answer…it is the Delaware Health Security Act sitting in a committee waiting fo more sponsors or so we are told. Tell Michael Barbieri to …
Read more on The News Journal


FDA approves device to reverse opioid overdose

Filed under: drug abuse help in delaware

"Overdose and death resulting from misuse and abuse of both prescription and illicit opioids has become a major public health concern in the United States," said Bob Rappaport, director of the Division of Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Addiction Products …
Read more on The News Journal


What's going on in your town in this week

Filed under: drug abuse help in delaware

ABERDEEN – The public can rid their homes of potentially dangerous, expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs by taking them to Town Hall, 1 Aberdeen Square, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 26. The event, aimed at preventing drug abuse and theft in …
Read more on Asbury Park Press


Courier Times Community Calendar for April 14

Filed under: drug abuse help in delaware

7:30 p.m. April 22. Historian and journalist Bruce Stutz lectures on Three Centuries of Earth Day on the Delaware River. ….. 7-8 p.m. Thu. A twelve-step self-help group for people with a dual diagnosis of mental health and substance abuse and/or …
Read more on Bucks County Courier Times


My mother has a sickening addiction … time for an intervention? (Asking again.)?

Question by Empress: My mother has a sickening addiction … time for an intervention? (Asking again.)?
My mother has a sickening addiction to methamphetamine. Our immediate family is well aware of it, due to her stealing from family, not working for months now & still managing to miraculously pay bills, buy gifts, etc. My mother and I are very open & we have discussed her situation. I’m defensive for my other family members (and myself) that she’s stolen from, with tact. (That IS my mother.) Her boyfriend and her inform me when she’s so sick from being without her “drug”. Both of them are users and neither of them are working to correct their problem … if they even see it as that. It’s breaking up our family & I’m torn in the middle, trying to do the impossible and defend/please all parties involved. I’m pregnant & it’s getting to the point where I’m tired of being nice and wish I could consciously decide to cut that out of my life, but … it’s my mother. It’s a very hard decision … & everyone is hoping I can find the solution. What do I do?
Ok … her boyfriend and her are already in the “criminal mind” stage of addiction. (I’m almost 100% sure that’s how things get “paid” amongst their life.) Also, I’m 25. Parents divorced when I was 2 days old. (So, Dad’s not going to be into “team playing”.) AAAH yes … and she’s been to rehab before. I’ve cut her off from my life before. She’s been to jail and “supposedly” was clean throughout her whole probation. Her boyfriend and her are already entering the early stages of their abusive relationship & having had that experience, I know the added difficulty that it adds to the situation. I believe she is in control, though, not him. Not to mention, you can’t exactly “admit” a full grown mother, that may/may not believe she has a problem. She has to make that decision. (For the record, I’m 25 & do NOT live at home.)
I’m not exactly taking up for her…

Best answer:

Answer by a_sexualasianangel
Honey, you are about to become a mother yourself. You need to cut ties with this woman and concentrate on you and your baby. You cannot help someone that doesn’t want to help themselves. It is sad but true.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Abuser or Dependent? – http://www.addictionsuk.com If you’re a heavy drinker… how do you know… if you’ve crossed the line into dependency? Take the 4-question CAGE test… to f…