Is Government the Solution, or Is It the Problem? Or What?
Question by : Is Government the Solution, or Is It the Problem? Or What?
Government has been a growth industry ever since the days of FDR. It has promoted itself as the solution to our social and economic problems. But the bigger government got, the worse our problems got: more war, more inflation, more taxes, more poverty, more regulation, more illiteracy, more crime, more drugs, more broken families, more social chaos. Was that a coincidence? What went wrong? Why hasn’t more government and bigger budgets solved our problems? Do we really just need more government intervention to fix things, or is there a better approach? And what would that be? Or, do you think things really are better in America today than they were thirty or 40 years ago?
Side issue: can Left and Right ever again find common ground to work to improve life in America for the average person, or are they locked in perpetual partisan animosity?
Please forgive me if I appear to have prejudiced the question, ALL opinions are welcome. We all share the same country.
Best answer:
Answer by Tea Bagger
Reagan said it best. “Government IS the problem.”
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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